
About Amhara.

The Amhara Region, officially the Amhara National Regional State, is a regional state in northern Ethiopia and the homeland of the Amhara people. Its capital is Bahir Dar which is the seat of the Regional Government of Amhara. Amhara is the site of the largest inland body of water in Ethiopia, Lake Tana (which is the source of the Blue Nile), and Semien Mountains National Park (which includes Ras Dashan, the highest point in Ethiopia). [Wikipedia]

K kmĀ²
Map of Amhara

ANE in Amhara

In 2021, ANE start operating in Amhara by opening Dabat branch office. In partnership with UNHCR and RRS ANE start reaching newly arrived Eritrean refugess by construction of communal kitchen,site improvement, rub hall Installation and fire wood distribution.Then in collaboration CARE funded by UNOCHA, ANE constructed and rehabitated communal latrine for IDPs. After that ANE actively start working in the region in diffirent sector like Shelter, road and infrastructure and energy and environment.

Branch Offices
Benefitieries Reached

What We Have Done So far in Amhara

HCB Transitional Shelter

Sustanable housing , settlement and provion of clean energy at Alemwach refugge site

ANE secure a budget in collaboration with UNHCR and RRS to construct 200 HCB transitionnal shelters, 500 family tent installation, 2.75 k.m gravel access road, 6 pipe culvert, site improvment for tent areas with water logging areas for 2000 tents, 52 street solar light installation, 1800 cooking stove distribution, 1000 seedling plantation and fire wood distribution for 16,500 Erterean refugees at Alemwach refugee site.


Emergency supports to IDPs/Returnees in South Wollo, Amhara Northern Ethiopia

In 2022, in collaboration with Finnish Refugee Council, ANE has supported conflict-affected communities' provision of 20 drums of water treatment chemicals, organized training on hygiene and water quality experts to provide safe water for the communities, and organized hygiene promotion training for volunteer hygiene promoters.

ANE Metekel WFP TSF Program

Emergency wash response for conflict affected communities in waghimira zone, Amhara region

In 2022, in collaboration with Care Ethiopia, ANE has supported vulnerable communities living in waghimra zone sekota woredaTirki IDP site by distributing WASH NFIs, dignity kits for the most vulnerable females and girls, constructing 5 semi-permanent latrines, organizing training on hygiene promotions, procure and supply fuel 21,800 Litres for the local water utility, Installation of 5 temporary water reservoirs with water points, Provision of water quality testing kits for government counterparts and will used for water quality monitoring during water trucking operation, providing safe water by using water trucks for 2 months, installation of 10 hand washing facilities in schools and other places, Organize water quality testing training for 25 participants, Provision of latrine cleaning kits and Produce and print IEC/BCC materials.

ANE Assosa ES-NFI Distribution

Sustanable housing , settlement and provion of clean energy at Alemwach refugge site

In 2022 budget year ANE in collaboration with UNHCR and RRS acted in the construction of 314 HCB transitiona shelters, 500 emergency shelters, 2735 family tent installation, 2 k.m gravel access road, 6 pipe culvert, 1 grind mill installation and block construction,2 partner working space Construction, 65 street solar light installation, 1000 seedling plantation, 1400 cooking stove distribution and fire wood distribution for 11,500 Erterean refugees at Alemwach refugee site.

ANE Amhara Shelter

Emergency supports to IDPs/Returnees in South Wollo, Amhara Northern Ethiopia

ANE collaboration with FRC supported conflict-affected communities by distributing emergency shelter repair kits for 90 HHs to repair their partially damaged houses and distributing Non-Food Items for 420 HH beneficiaries who lost their cooking and other items because of the conflict.

ANE Assosa ES-NFI Distribution

Emergency supports to IDPs/Returnees in South Wollo, Amhara Northern Ethiopia

ANE collaboration with FRC supported conflict-affected communities by transferring cash assistance for 320HHs displaced communities to cover their house rent payment and for 200 HHs ANE supported multipurpose cash assistance

ANE Metekel WFP TSF Program

In 2021 budget year ANE in collaboration with Care Ethiopia, UNOCHA and Amhara regional burea of water and energy acted in the construction and rehabilitation of communal latrins at IDP site and schools,Maintenance of Water points,Distribution of WASH and Dignity kits, Delivering and Distribution of treatment chemical(especially chlorine) and Hand sanitizer, Provision of maintenance toolbox, installing hand washing facilitie, conduct hygine promotion activities, Capacity building training and GBV and Protection training.

ANE Assosa ES-NFI Distribution

Sustanable housing , settlement and provion of clean energy at Alemwach refugge site

In 2021 budget year ANE in collaboration with UNHCR and RRS acted in the construction of 40 Rception hungers, 20 communal kitchens, rehabilitation of reception centers in the community, 8 hectars of site improvment, 4.6 km gravel access road construction, 8 pipe culvert, 3 rub hall installation and fire wood distribution for 4000 individuals for Erterean refugees at Alemwach refugee site.