Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

In the last Ten Years of Service (2012- 2022) Project Implementation Period, ANE was able to continue to ensure running the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) projects in the funding provided by different donor organizations to assist vulnerable members of refugee and host communities in Gambella and Oromia Regional States. The WASH projects in the indicated locations were aiming to ensure that refugees and host communities have safe access to water of sufficient quality and quantity and to improved sanitation and hygiene and improved WASH services in institutions, including schools, health facilities and public institutions. The main WASH programs, which were run by ANE over the period between 2012 and 2022 and benefited more than 250,000 refugees and surrounding host communities, were Rehabilitation of Water Shames, Permanent Water System Management, Water Trucking, Household Latrine Constructions, Dignity Kits Distributions, Provision of WASH Materials, Comprehensive WASH Trainings, Outreach Campaigns on WASH Practices and WASH Awareness Raising Materials Distributions.


Regions Covered
Beneficieries Reached
Budget Utilized

Permanent Water System Management

In 2017, After ANE have taken over the operation and maintenance work of the permanent water system in Jewi refugee camp, Gambella from OXFAM, the production, treatment and provision of water through permanent water supply system continued.

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According to various assessments conducted, the absence of permanent water provision interventions in both Dillo and Megado Refugee Camps still remains as the major protection challenge for the refugees affecting their daily living conditions. As it gave serious attention to address, ANE effectively managed to reach out to potential donors to implement water trucking activites for refugees and host communities under Kenyan Borena Refugee Operation.

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Development and Rehabilitation of Water Schemes

After Starting Development and Rehabilitation of Water Schemes in 2015, more than 21,000 IDPs and Host Communities benefited by getting safe and clean water.

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Latrine Construction

ANE has been engaged in construction of latrines with the objective of reducing the vulnerability of the refugees and hosting community from different communicable diseases and thereby ensuring their wellbeing through improved hygiene and sanitation practices.

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Dignity Kits Distribution

Dignity kits help to meet women's immediate hygiene needs, freeing them to participate in their daily lives as well as allowing them to spend their money on other needs, such as food for their family.

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Comprehensive WASH Trainings

ANE facilitated different WASH training sessions to raise the awareness of refugee and IDP community on various topics associated with sanitation and personal hygiene.

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